Presentations, Chairs, Posters


Comparing Text- and Image-based Measurements in Online Surveys: A Systematic Analysis Using the Example of Acceptance for a Virtual Caregiver Avatar.
Presentation at the 16th Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA), 27.-30.8.2024, Porto, 29.8.2024 (with P. Kutschar, W. Aschauer, C. Etter, M. Kreuzberger, K. Stiebler & F. Nemetz).

Mobility Intentions of International Graduates in Germany. Individual, Institutional, and Regional Conditions.
Presentation at the 16th Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA), 27.-30.8.2024, Porto, 29.8.2024 (with J. Möller).

Chair of the RN21 session "New Digital and Graphical Methods in Quantitative Research"
at the 16th Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA), 27.-30.8.2024, Porto, 30.8.2024.

Co-Chair of the RS11 session "Spatial Mobility and Subjective Well-being"
at the 16th Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA), 27.-30.8.2024, Porto, 29.8.2024.

Co-Chair of the RS11 session "Spatial Mobility, Contextual and Neighbourhood Effects"
at the 16th Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA), 27.-30.8.2024, Porto, 29.8.2024.

Chair of the RS11 session "Commuting and Transportation Options"
at the 16th Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA), 27.-30.8.2024, Porto, 28.8.2024.

Chair of the RS11 session "Residential Location Decisions"
at the 16th Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA), 27.-30.8.2024, Porto, 28.8.2024.

Fears of The Future and Their Impact on Subjective Wellbeing. A Cross-National Analysis In The DACH Region Based On An Extensive Population Survey.
Presentation at the WAPOR - 77th and WAPOR Asia Pacific 7th Joint Annual Conference, 28.-31.7.2024, Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, 29.7.2024 (with W. Aschauer, F. Nemetz & C. Etter).

Verbleibsperspektiven internationaler Studierender nach Studienabschluss. Ausgewählte Ergebnisse zu individuellen, institutionellen und strukturellen Bedingungen in einem Mehrebenenansatz.
Invited presentation at the Department of Sociology and Human Geography, Paris Lodron University Salzburg, 16.5.2024.

Zur Verhaltensvalidierung von Vignettenexperimenten. Konzeptionelle Grundlagen und empirische Befunde am Beispiel der Diskriminierungsforschung.
Invited presentation at the Institute of Sociology, Department of Empirical Social Research, Johannes Kepler University Linz, 3.5.2024.

Die institutionelle Unterstützung internationaler Graduierter beim Arbeitsmarkteintritt. Eine Mixed-Methods-Studie zu Initiativen deutscher Hochschulen.
Presentation at the 11. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung (GEBF), 18.3.-20.3.2024, Universität Potsdam, 20.3.2023 (with F. Fregin).

Verbleibsintentionen internationaler Studierender in Deutschland. Individuelle und kontextuelle Faktoren.
Invited presentation at the Chair of Sociology with a special focus on Europe, Saarland University, 6.2.2024.

Faktorielle Surveys in der Soziologie. Einsatzmöglichkeiten und Validitätsaspekte.
Invited presentation at the Department of Sociology, Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, 17.1.2024.


Verbleibsintentionen internationaler Studierender in Deutschland. Die Rolle individueller und kontextueller Merkmale.
Presentation at the Workshop "Hochschule in der (Post-)Migrationsgesellschaft: Zugang, Partizipation und Erfolg", 6.-7.11.2023, German Centre of Higher Education and Science Studies (DZHW), 7.11.2023.

Factorial Survey Experiments for the Study of Opinions and Intentions. Potentials, Pitfalls, Evaluation.
Training workshop at the WAPOR - 76th Annual Conference 'Public Opinion Research in a Technology-Driven World', 19.-22.9.2023, University of Salzburg, 19.9.2023.

Measuring Compliance with Covid-19 Preventive Interventions: Text vs. Image Vignettes in a Factorial Survey on Wearing Face Masks.
Presentation at the 9th Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA), 17.-21.7.2023, University of Milan-Bicocca, 18.7.2023.

Integration, berufliche Perspektiven und Verbleibsintentionen internationaler Studierender in Deutschland.
Presentation at the 10. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung (GEBF), 28.2.-2.3.2023, Universität Duisburg-Essen, 1.3.2023 (with M. Siebenhaar).


Chair of the session of the section Modelbuildung & Simulation "Analytische Perspektiven auf Phänomene der Polarisierung"
at the 41th Congress of the German Sociological Association "Polarisierte Welten", 26.-30.9.2022, Universität Bielefeld, 27.9.2022 (with A. Tutic).

Chair of the session of the section Modelbuildung & Simulation "Aktuelle Entwicklungen in Modellbildung und Simulation"
at the 41th Congress of the German Sociological Association "Polarisierte Welten", 26.-30.9.2022, Universität Bielefeld, 28.9.2022 (with A. Tutic).

Fear of the Dark? A Systematic Comparison of Written Vignettes and Photo Vignettes in a Factorial Survey Experiment on Fear of Crime.
Presentation at the Eurocrim2022 Malaga, 21.-24.9.2022, Málaga, 24.9.2022 (with S. Eifler).

Verbleibsintentionen internationaler Studierender in Deutschland.
Presentation at the DAAD Wissenschaftswerkstatt, Bonn, 22.9.2022

Internationale Studierende als Fachkräfte von morgen?
Presentation at the Internationale Studierende als (zukünftige) Fachkräfte vs. Fachkräftemangel?, 19.9.2022, Bonn (with J. Kercher).

How Important is International Experience for Becoming a Tenured Professor? Evidence from an Experiment with University Professors.
Presentation at the Europaea HERCulES Symposium 'The Internationalization of Higher Education Institutions', 4.-6.5.2022, Uppsala, 6.5.2022 (with N. Netz).

What Role Do Physical and Virtual Mobility Play for Academic Career Success? Evidence from an Experiment with University Professors.
Presentation at the DAAD Wissenschaftswerkstatt, Bonn, 23.3.2022 (with N. Netz).


Migration, tägliches Pendeln oder Zweitwohnsitz? Neue Erkenntnisse zu Mobilitätsentscheidungen in Deutschland auf Basis von Paneldaten.
Presentation at the 20. deutsch-österreichisch-schweizerisches Demografietreffen, 27.-29.10.2021, Online, 28.10.2021 (with T. Skora & H. Rüger).

What Role Do Physical and Virtual Mobility Play for Academic Career Success? Evidence from an Experiment with University Professors.
Presentation at the 15th Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA), 31.8-3.9.2021, Barcelona, 3.9.2021 (with N. Netz).

Migration, Daily Commuting or Second Residence? New Insights into Mobility Decisions Based on Longitudinal Survey Data.
Presentation at the 15th Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA), 31.8-3.9.2021, Barcelona, 2.9.2021 (with T. Skora & H. Rüger).

Social Desirability Bias in Factorial Survey Experiments – Vignette-based vs. Item-based Measurements of Social Norms in Consuming Internet Pornography.
Presentation at the 15th Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA), 31.8-3.9.2021, Barcelona, 1.9.2021 (with D. Strauß).

Chair of the RS13 session "Youth and Student Mobility"
at the 15th Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA), 31.8-3.9.2021, Barcelona, 3.9.2021.

Chair of the RS13 session "Residential Mobility, Decision Making and Social Inequality"
at the 15th Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA), 31.8-3.9.2021, Barcelona, 2.9.2021.

Chair of the RN21 session "Advances in Quantitative Methods, Simulation Studies and Modelling Techniques II"
at the 15th Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA), 31.8-3.9.2021, Barcelona, 1.9.2021.

Chair of the session of the section Modelbuilding & Simulation "Analytische Perspektiven auf die Corona-Krise"
at the Joint Congress of the German Sociological Association and the Austrian Sociological Association "Post-Corona-Gesellschaft? Pandemie, Krise und ihre Folgen", 23.-25.8.2021, WU Vienna, 23.8.2021.

Surveyexperimente in der empirischen Bildungsforschung. Potenziale und Fallstricke.
Presentation in the Research Colloquium Empirical Educational Research, FU Berlin, 18.2.20121.

Aspekte der Validität von Vignettenanalysen.
Presentation in the Colloquium of the Institute of Sociology, TU Dresden, 1.2.20121 (with S. Eifler).


What makes academics suitable for a tenured professorship? Evidence from a factorial survey with university professors in Germany.
Presentation at the Online-Workshop Analytical Sociology: Theory and Empirical Applications, 17.-18.11.2020, Venice International University, 17.11.2020 (with N. Netz).

Chair of the session "Statistical Techniques for Identifying and Explaining Social Change"
at the Mid-term Conference of Research Network 21 Quantitative Methods of the European Sociological Association "Quantitative Approaches to Analyzing Social Change", 9.-10.10.2020, University of Lucerne, 10.10.2020.

Factorial survey experiments and causal inference. Potentials and pitfalls by the example of a professors' survey.
Presentation at the workshop "Causality in the Social Sciences II", 7.-9.10.2020, German Centre of Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW), 8.10.2020 (with N. Netz).

Social desirability in factorial survey experiments - A comparison of vignette-based and item-based measurements of social norms in consuming internet pornography.
Presentation at the 40th Congress of the German Sociological Association "Gesellschaften unter Spannung", Section Methods of Empirical Social Research "Factorial surveys and choice experiments - construction, analysis and validity in the study of societal tensions", 14.-24.9.2020, TU Berlin, 22.9.2020 (with H. Shamon).

Chair of the session of the section Methods of Empirical Social Research "Factorial surveys and choice experiments - construction, analysis and validity in the study of societal tensions"
at the 40th Congress of the German Sociological Association "Gesellschaften unter Spannung", 14.-24.9.2020, TU Berlin, 22.9.2020 (with H. Shamon).

Chair of the session of the section Modelbuildung & Simulation "Soziale Normen: Konflikte, Kooperation, Polarisierung"
at the 40th Congress of the German Sociological Association "Gesellschaften unter Spannung", 14.-24.9.2020, TU Berlin, 16.9.2020 (with Thomas Gautschi, Monika Jungbauer-Gans & Andreas Diekmann).

Was ist eine 'gute' Studie?
Presentation at the 3rd Meeting "Theorien und Methoden" of the Graduate School "Wissenschaftsmanagement und Wissenschaftskommunikation" (WIMAKO), 7.-11.9.2020, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, 9.9.2020.


Wer ist für eine Professur geeignet? Ergebnisse eines faktoriellen Surveys mit Professor*innen an deutschen Universitäten.
Presentation at the Brown-Bag-Seminar of the International Centre for Higher Education Research Kassel (INCHER), University of Kassel, 23.10.2019. (with N. Netz)

Assessing the Behavioural Validity of Vignette Experiments in the Field. The Example of Ethnic Discrimination.
Presentation at the GESIS Lecture Series, GESIS Mannheim, 25.9.2019.

Aspekte der Validität faktorieller Surveys im Kontext der Analyse normrelevanter Situationen. Ein Forschungsansatz auf der Basis eines kontrafaktischen Modells.
Presentation at the 16. Wissenschaftliche Tagung der Kriminologischen Gesellschaft, 5.-7.9.2019, University of Vienna, 6.9.2019. (with S. Eifler)

Migration, Commuting, or a Second Home? Insights from a Vignette Experiment.
Presentation at the 14th Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA), 20.-23.8.2019, Manchester Metropolitan University, 21.8.2019.

Chair of the RS16 session "Spatial Mobilities in the Life Course and Mobility Biographies"
at the 14th Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA), 20.-23.8.2019, Manchester Metropolitan University, 21.8.2019.

Chair of the RS16 session "Spatial Immobilities"
at the 14th Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA), 20.-23.8.2019, Manchester Metropolitan University, 21.8.2019.

Factorial Surveys with Verbal and Visual Stimuli. The Impact of Presentation Mode on Judgements of Safety.
Presentation at the 8th Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA), 15.-19.7.2019, University of Zagreb, 18.7.2019. (with S. Eifler & H. Schwarzbach)

Detecting Ethnic Discrimination with Vignette Experiments? A Field Validation of Landlords' Intentions to Invite Arab pProspective Tenants.
Presentation at the 8th Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA), 15.-19.7.2019, University of Zagreb, 16.7.2019.

Mobility Experience and Mobility Decision-Making. Insights From a Vignette Experiment.
Presentation at the Spring Meeting "Innovative method(olog)ische Entwicklungen in der Lebensverlaufsforschung", Section Methods of Empirical Social Research, 5.-5.4.2019, Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, 5.4.2019.

Wann engagieren sich Shuttles an ihrem Arbeitsort?
Presentation at the Workshop "Multilokalität in städtischen und ländlichen Räumen - Chance oder Herausforderung?", 14.3.2019, Leibniz University Hannover, 14.3.2019.

How Important are International Experiences for Becoming a Tenured Professor? Evidence from a Factorial Survey.
Presentation at the DZHW Research Colloqium Workshop, 12.3.2019, German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW), 12.3.2019 (with N. Netz).

Studienbezogene Auslandserfahrung als Rekrutierungskriterium von Arbeitgebern.
Presentation at the Workshop "Wissenschaftswerkstatt" of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), 12.3.2019.

How Important are International Experiences for Becoming a Tenured Professor? Evidence from a Factorial Survey.
Presentation at the Workshop "Determinants and career effects of scientists’ international mobility: Final workshop of the SciMo project", 20.-21.2.2019, German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW), 21.2.2019 (with N. Netz).

Möglichkeiten, Herausforderungen und institutionelle Verankerung neuerer Methoden in der Stadt- und Regionalsoziologie.
Presentation at the Foundation meeting of the research group "AG Methoden", Section of Urban Sociology, 23.-24.1.2019, University of Konstanz, 23.1.2019 (with T. Wöhler).

On the Behavioural Validity of Vignette Experiments. Insights from Studies on Ethnic Discrimination.
Presentation in the Colloquium on Social Theory, University of Leipzig, 16.1.2019.

Can We Measure Ethnic Discrimination with Vignettes? Methodological Considerations and Empirical Evidence.
Presentation in the Colloquium of the Institute for Empirical-Analytical Research (InFER), Goethe University Frankfurt, 15.1.2019.


Ethnische Diskriminierung im deutschen Wohnungsmarkt. Soziologische Grundlagen und empirische Befunde.
Public lecture in Habilitation procedure at the Faculty of History and Social Science, Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, 11.12.2018.

When Do Employers Value Graduates' International Mobility in Hiring Decisions? Experimental Evidence from Germany.
Presentation at the Workshop of the DZHW Research Cluster "Mobility of the Highly Skilled" on Heterogeneous Effects of Studying Abroad, 19.10.2018, German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW), 19.10.2018.

How Important Are International Experiences for Becoming a Tenured Professor? Evidence from a Factorial Survey.
Presentation at the CIDER-LERN Workshop: 2nd Interdisciplinary Workshop for Junior Educational Researchers, 8.-9.10.2018, Leibniz Association Berlin, 9.10.2018. (with N. Netz)

Wissenschaftliche Karrieren ohne Grenzen? Zur Relevanz von Auslandserfahrungen beim Zugang zur Professur.
Presentation at the 39th Congress of the German Sociological Association "Komplexe Dynamiken globaler und lokaler Entwicklungen", Section Model Building & Simulation "Beschleunigungs- und Entgrenzungsdynamiken in der Wissenschaft", 24.-28.9.2018, Universität Göttingen, 27.9.2018. (with N. Netz)

Wie valide messen Vignetten die Akzeptanz von Zugewanderten? Was Wohnungsvermieter sagen - und was sie tun.
Presentation at the 39th Congress of the German Sociological Association "Komplexe Dynamiken globaler und lokaler Entwicklungen", Section Methods of Empirical Social Research "Komplexe Dynamiken globaler und lokaler Entwicklungen - Ansätze, Herausforderungen, Probleme im Bereich Datenerhebung", 24.-28.9.2018, Universität Göttingen, 26.9.2018.

International Student Mobility and the Willingness to International Migration. A Comparison of the EU-28 Member States.
Presentation at the 15th IMISCOE Annual Conference “Europe, Migrations and the Mediterranean: Human Mobilities and Intercultural Challenges”, Research panel “International student mobility and migration: Trajactories, transitions, and social transformations”, 2.-4.7.2018, Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, 4.7.2018.

Die empirische Analyse der Situation mithilfe experimenteller Surveys.
Presentation in Habilitation procedure at the Faculty of History and Social Science, Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, 20.6.2018.

International Student Mobility and Individuals’ Willingness to Migrate in the EU-28.
Presentation at the International Conference of the Section Migration and Ethnic Minorities of the German Sociological Association (DGS) "Once on the move, always on the move? Mobility after migration", 31.5.-1.6.2018, Centre Marc Bloch Berlin, 31.5.2018.

International Student Mobility and Employment Probability in 30 European Countries.
Poster at the first Annual Meeting of the Academy of Sociology "Growing inequality – divided society? Current contributions of empirical and analytical sociology", 4.-6.4.2018, Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich (LMU), 5.4.2018.

Ethnic Discrimination Across Differing Regional Housing Markets. A Field Experiment.
Presentation at the conference Regional Inequalities – Patterns, Causes, Effects and Policies, 15.-16.3.2018, Philipps-University of Marburg, 14.3.2018.

International Student Mobility and Employment Probability in the EU-28 Member States. A Multi-level Analysis.
Presentation at the conference Youth Mobility and Migration in Europe Keep on Moving? Pathways, Institutions and Structural Effects of Youth Mobility in Europe, 7.-9.3.2018, Université du Luxembourg, 8.3.2018.


Ethnic Discrimination in the Rental Housing Market: The Role of Additional Information and Market Structure.
Presentation at the Workshop Analytical Sociology: Theory and Empirical Applications, 20.-24.11.2017, Venice International University, 22.11.2017.

Zur Validität der Messung von Verhaltensabsichten mit Vignetten. Ein Vergleich von Experimenten zu Diskriminierung in Survey und Feld.
Presentation at the Joint conference of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Sozialwissenschaftlicher Institute e.V. (ASI ) and the Section of Methods of Empirical Social Research of the German Sociological Association (DGS) "Qualitätssicherung sozialwissenschaftlicher Erhebungsinstrumente" , 10.-11.11.2017, Robert Koch-Institute, 11.11.2017. (with Tobias Wolbring)

Chair of the session "Neue empirische Daten und Methoden für die Stadt- und Regionalsoziologie"
at the 2017 Autumn Meeting of the Section of Urban Sociology , 6.-7.10.2017, TU Dortmund University, 6.10.2017. (with Thomas Wöhler)

Collecting Network Data of First-semester Students: A Photo Approach.
Presentation at the Third European Conference on Social Networks (EUSN2017), 26.-29.9.2017, Johannes Gutenberg-University, 28.9.2017. (with Till Krenz & Annika Rathmann)

International Student Mobility and Employment Probability in 31 Countries. Individual Effects and Institutional Contexts.
Presentation at the Pathways into, through and out of higher education - An international and interdisciplinary conference, 11.-12.9.2017, German Center for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW), 12.9.2017.

Chair of the session "Testing the Behavioral Validity of Survey Experiments"
at the 7th Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA), 17.-21.7.2017, University of Lisboa, 21.7.2017. (with Volker Lang)

Validating Behavioral Intentions from Survey Experiments in the Field. A Comparison of Supposed and Realized Everyday Life Discrimination.
Presentation at the 7th Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA), 17.-21.7.2017, University of Lisboa, 21.7.2017. (with Tobias Wolbring)

International Student Mobility and Employers' Recruitment Intentions. A Vignette Experiment.
Presentation in Appointment Procedure on a W3 Professorship for Methods of Empirical Social Research and Statistics, Europa-Universität Flensburg, 17.7.2017.

Politische Partizipation von Shuttles an ihrem Arbeitsort. Hypothesen und Befunde.
Presentation at the Congress of the Swiss Sociological Association 'Common Good and Self-interest' , 21.-23.6.2017, University of Zurich, 23.6.2017.

Experimental Methods in Multilocality Studies.
Presentation at the 1st International scientific meeting on 'Multilocal Living Arrangements in Europe', 14.-15.6.2017, University of Basel, 14.6.2017.

Occupational Returns to International Mobility among German Higher Education Graduates. A Matching Approach.
Presentation at the 2nd Transmobilities Development Conference 'Friction in a mobile world. Transmigrants, contested citizenship and human in/security', 8.-9.6.2017, Radboud University, Nijmegen, 8.6.2017. (with Stine Waibel & Heiko Rüger)

Internationale Studierendenmobilität. Ein experimenteller Ansatz.
Presentation in Appointment Procedure on a W2 Professorship "Empirische Bildungsforschung", Philipps-Universität Marburg, 17.5.2017.

How Experiments Enhance our Knowledge on Determinants and Effects of International Student Mobility (ISM).
Presentation at the interdisciplinary workshop Empirical research on international student mobility: Status quo and ways forward of the research cluster "Mobility of the highly skilled", 11.-12.5.2017, German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW), 11.5.2017.


The Behavioral Validity of Vignette Studies. An Experimental Comparison of Survey and Field Experiments using the Misdirected Email Technique.
Presentation at the Workshop Rational Choice Sociology: Theory and Empirical Applications, 16.-18.11.2016, Venice International University, 16.11.2016. (with Tobias Wolbring)

Wie gut eignen sich Vignettenstudien zur Untersuchung von Diskriminierung? Ein experimenteller Vergleich von Feld- und Survey-Experimenten am Beispiel fehlgeleiteter Emails.
Presentation at the 38th Congress of the German Sociological Association "Geschlossene Gesellschaften", Section Model Building & Simulation "Prozesse sozialer Schließung: Theorie, Modell, Experiment", 26.-30.9.2016, Universität Bamberg, 27.9.2016. (with Tobias Wolbring)

Methoden und Daten zur Analyse der Mechanismen Räumlicher Schließung: Einführende Überlegungen.
Presentation at the 38th Congress of the German Sociological Association "Geschlossene Gesellschaften", Ad-hoc-group "Räumliche Manifestationen sozialer Schließung: Methoden, Daten, Mechanismen", 26.-30.9.2016, Universität Bamberg, 28.9.2016 (with Thomas Wöhler).

Chair of the Ad-hoc-group "Räumliche Manifestationen sozialer Schließung: Methoden, Daten, Mechanismen"
at the 38th Congress of the German Sociological Association "Geschlossene Gesellschaften", 26.-30.9.2016, Universität Bamberg, 28.9.2016 (with Thomas Wöhler).

Soziale Selbst- und Fremdkategorisierungen als Herausforderung bei der Integration Zugewanderter.
Presentation in Appointment Procedure on a W2 Professorship for Sociopolitical Education at the Hochschule der Sächsischen Polizei, University of Applied Sciences, Rothenburg/OL, 21.9.2016.

Behavioral Willingness and Real Behavior in “Normal” Situations. A Horn-Honking Experiment in Field and Survey.
Presentation at the 3rd ISA Forum of Sociology, RC33 Session 'Generalizing Results from Experimental Research', 10.-14.7.2016, University of Vienna, 12.7.2016.

The Worth of International Experience during Education for Potential Employers. Some Hypotheses and Experimental Evidence.
Distributed Paper at the 3rd ISA Forum of Sociology, RC02 Session 'n Search of the Global Labour Market – Actors, Institutions, and Policies', 10.-14.7.2016, University of Vienna, 14.7.2016.

Migration and Commuting as Substitutes.
Presentation at Netzwerk Multilokalität Reloaded, Research Institute for Regional and Urban Development (ILS) Dortmund, 10.6.2016.

The Behavioural Validation of Survey Experiments. Some General Considerations and Empirical Results.
Presentation at Mittelbaukolloquium of the Mannheim Center for European Social Research (MZES), University of Mannheim, 19.5.2016.

Internationale Mobilität und Arbeitsmarkterfolg von Hochschulabsolventen. Ein experimenteller Ansatz.
Presentation at the Research Colloquium of the University of Hanover & the German Centre for Research on Higher Education and Science Studies (DZHW), Leibniz University of Hanover, 19.1.2016.


Stepwise Decision-Making on Alternative Mobility Forms. A Factorial Survey among Swiss University Staff.
Presentation at the Workshop Rational Choice Sociology: Theory and Empirical Applications, 16.-18.11.2015, Venice International University, 16.11.2015.

Multilokalisiert durch Multilokalität. Biographische Multilokalitätserfahrungen und Mobilisierungsentscheidungen.
Presentation German Congress of Geography, 1.-6.10.2015 Humboldt-University Berlin, 1.10.2015 (with Nicola Hilti).

Decision-Making on Job-Related Migration, Long-Distance Commuting and Daily Commuting in Comparison.
Presentation in the Colloquium of the Institute of Employment Research, Institute of Employment Research (IAB), 10.9.2015.

Fairness Norms, Sanctioning Power and Social Control at Bonus Payments in Companies. A Multi-Level Factorial Survey Experiment.
Presentation in RN09 (Economic Sociology) at the 12th Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA) "Differences, Inequalities and Sociological Imagination" , 25.-28.8.2015, Charles University Prague, 26.8.2015 (with Martin Wienhold).

On External Validity of Multifactorial Survey Experiments. Comparing Fictional Bonus Payments, Awarded by Employers and First Semester-Students.
Presentation at the 6th Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA), 13.-17.7.2015, University of Iceland, 15.7.2015.

Social Desirability and Experimental Vignettes in Survey Research. A Validation Study Using Non-Reactive Data.
Presentation at the 6th Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA), 13.-17.7.2015, University of Iceland, 15.7.2015.

Bildungsentscheidungen und Bildungseffekte. Ein experimenteller Ansatz.
Presentation in Appointment Procedure on a Professorship in Sociology of Education, College of Education Vorarlberg, 27.5.2015.

Is There a Norm for Studying Abroad? On the Relationship Between Mobility Socialization, the Intention to Become Mobile and Social Inequalities.
Presentation at the International Conference “International Academic Spaces”, 27.3.2015, University of Bielefeld, 27.3.2015 (with Tamara Peter).

Does Job Market Signaling affect Studying Abroad? Results of a Factorial Survey Study.
Presentation at the 18th Colloquium on Personnel Economics (COPE), 25.-27.3.2015, University of Vienna, 26.3.2015 (with Tamara Peter & Petra Moog).

Different Mobilities - Different Equations. Comparing Decision Making on Migration, Long-Distance Commuting and Daily Commuting made by Swiss University Staff.
Presentation at the International Symposium: Internal Migration and Commuting in International Perspective, 4.-6.2.2015, Federal Institute for Population Research, Wiesbaden, 4.2.2015 (with Nicola Hilti).

Decision Making on Job-Related Mobility. A Factorial Survey.
Presentation at the Symposium of the Department of Sociology, Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt.

Surveyexperimente und die Erfassung von Handlungsabsichten. Empirische Befunde und methodische Überlegungen, 30.1.2015.
Presentation at the Colloqium of the Chairs for Sociology, with a specialization in Institution and Organization and Quantitative Empirical Social Research, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, 21.1.2015 (with Stefanie Eifler).


Job Market Signal or Human Capital? Experimental and Survey Findings on the Impact of International Educational Mobility on Labor Market Success.
Poster at the Workshop Rational Choice Sociology: Theory and Empirical Applications, 10.-13.11.2014, Venice International University, 12.11.2014.

Validity Aspects of Experiments in Normative Settings.
Presentation at the Congress of the ESC working group on "Quantitative Methods in Criminology" (EQMC) and the ESA Research Network on "Quantitative Methods" (ESA RN21) "Modes, Measurement, Modelling: Achieving Equivalence in Quantitative Research", Session: "Experimental Designs in the Social Sciences: Types, Modes and Equivalence", 24.-25.10.2014, GESIS Mannheim, 25.10.2014 (with Stefanie Eifler).

Chair of the session "Experimental Designs in the Social Sciences: Types, Modes and Equivalence"
at the Congress of the ESC working group on "Quantitative Methods in Criminology" (EQMC) and the ESA Research Network on "Quantitative Methods" (ESA RN21) "Modes, Measurement, Modelling: Achieving Equivalence in Quantitative Research", 24.-25.10.2014, GESIS Mannheim, 25.10.2014 (with Stefanie Eifler).

Die Internationalisierungsanforderung im Studium. Zur Rolle des Fachs bei der Entscheidung im Ausland zu studieren.
Presentation at the 37th Congress of the German Sociological Association "Routinen der Krise - Krise der Routinen", Ad-hoc-group: "Krisenmanagement im Studium: Handlungsbedingungen, individuelle Entscheidungen und soziale Mechanismen in der tertiären Bildung", 6.-10.10.2014, Universität Trier, 10.10.2014.

Forschungsethische Aspekte in Surveyexperimenten. Konzeptionelle Überlegungen und empirische Beispiele.
Presentation at the conference "Forschungsethik in der qualitativen und quantitativen Sozialforschung", 11.-12.9.2014, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, 12.9.2014.

The Assessment of Study Abroad Experience by Potential Employers. Some Hypotheses and Experimental Results.
Presentation at the Final Workshop "Mobility of High Skilled Labor - Effects of Studies Abroad", 28.7.2014, University of Siegen, 28.7.2014.

Faktorieller Survey und Bevölkerungsumfrage. Ein Vergleich am Beispiel der Effekte des Auslandsstudiums auf Employability.
Presentation at the Spring Meeting "Experimentelle Techniken in den Sozialwissenschaften", Section Methods of Empirical Social Research, 4.-5.4.2014, Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, 4.4.2014.

Gibt es eine Norm zum Auslandsstudium? Zum Verhältnis von Mobilitätserfahrungen, mobilitätsbezogenen Einstellungen und Mobilitätsbereitschaft.
Presentation at the Workshop Mobilitätssozialisation und Mobilitätsbiographien, 13.-14.2.2014, Dortmund University of Technology, 13.2.2014 (with Tamara Peter & Petra Moog).

Wie sehr kann man durch Abwesenheit glänzen? Ergebnisse eines Experiments und eines Surveys zur Wirkung internationaler Mobilität auf objektiven Arbeitsmarkterfolg.
Presentation at the Coloquium of the Department of Sociology, Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, 8.1.2014.


Determinants of Bonus Payments for Employees in Companies. A Multi-level Factorial Survey Study.
Presentation at the Workshop Rational Choice Sociology: Theory and Empirical Applications, 18.-21.11.2013, Venice International University, 21.11.2013 (with Martin Wienhold).

Kontextsensitivität von Vignetten.
Presentation at the 19. Workshop angewandte Klassifikationsanalyse, 13.-14.11.2013, University of Bielefeld, 13.11.2013 (with Stefanie Eifler).

Promotes Study Abroad the Labor Market Success in Globalization? Some Hypotheses and Quasi-Experimental Results.
Presentation in RN17 (Work, Employment & Industrial Relations) at the 11th Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA) "Crisis, Critique and Change" , 28.-31.8.2013, University of Torino, 29.8.2013 (with Tamara Peter & Petra Moog).

Idealistic or Opportunistic? Theoretical Assumptions and Some Quasi-Experimental Findings in the Decision to Study Abroad.
Presentation at the 25th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE) "States in Crisis" , 27.-29.6.2013, University of Milano, 28.6.2013 (with Tamara Peter & Petra Moog).

Chair of the Session: Job-related Mobility and Inequality Beyond National and Transnational Spaces.
at the Congress of the Swiss Sociological Association "Ungleichheit und Integration in der Krise" , 26.-28.6.2013, Univerity of Bern, 28.6.2013.

Der Gender Gap im Auslandsstudium. Theoretische Überlegungen und quasiexperimentelle Befunde zu dessen Erklärung.
Presentation at the Congress of the Swiss Sociological Association „Inequality and Integration in Times of Crisis“ , 26.-28.6.2013, University of Bern, 27.6.2013 (with Tamara Peter & Petra Moog).

Experimente in den Sozialwissenschaften.
Presentation at the Colloquium Methods of Empirical Social Research I, 24.6.2013, University of Kassel, 24.6.2013 (with Stefanie Eifler).

Experimental Designs in Research on Space and Place.
Presentation at the Brown Bag Lunch of the ETH Wohnforum - ETH CASE, 21.5.2013, ETH Zurich, 21.5.2013.

Chair of the Session: A2.
at the 2nd Mini conference Decentralization & Networks, 18.-19.4.2013, University of Siegen, 18.4.2013.

Chair of the Session: Sozialwissenschaftliche Mobilitätskonzeptionen.
auf dem Workshop Räumliche Mobilität: Herausforderungen für individuelle Akteure und lokale Gesellschaften, 5.-6.4.2013, Chemnitz University of Technology, 6.4.2013.

Berufserfolg durch räumliche Mobilitätserfahrugen? Theoretische Überlegungen und quasiexperimentelle Befunde am Beispiel von Auslandsstudien.
Presentation at the Foundation meeting of the research group "Räumliche Mobilität", Section of Urban Sociology, 25.-26.3.2013, University of Hamburg, 26.3.2013 (with Tamara Peter).

Idealistic or Opportunistic? Theoretical Considerations and some Quasi-Experimental Findings on the Decision to Study Abroad.
Poster at the Foundation Meeting of the Research Group "Räumliche Mobilität", Section of Urban Sociology, 25.-26.3.2013, University of Hamburg, 25.3.2013 (with Tamara Peter).

Die Theorie der Rationalen Wahl in der Multilokalitätsforschung. Grundannahmen und mögliche Anwendung am Beispiel lokalen Konsums.
Presentation at the 3rd meeting of the working group "Multi-Locality and Spatial Development", 11.-12.3.2013, ARL Academy of Spatial Research and Planning, Hanover, 11.3.2013.

Patterns of Local Consumtion in Multi-local Situations. Methodological Challenges and some Empirical Findings.
Presentation at the 2e Séminaire : "La multilocalité résidentielle : quelles méthodologies des approches statistiques ?", 22.2.2013, University of Strasbourg, 22.2.2013.

Vom methodologischen Nationalismus zum methodologischen Lokalismus.
Presentation at the Symposium(FoKoS) Neue Mobilität & Vielfalt. Eine Herausforderung für den Umbau der Stadtgesellschaft zur Inclusive City, FoKoS - Research Centre "Shaping the Future", 1.-2.2.2013, University of Siegen, 1.2.2013.


Mythos Kosmopolitismus - Zur theoretischen Struktur und empirischen Messbarkeit eines komplexen Konstrukts, 9.11.2012.
Presentation at the workshop of the network 'Stadt - Raum - Architektur', Secion Urban Sociology Diversität und Vielfalt. Theorien und empirische Befunde innerhalb der Stadt-, Raum- und Architekturforschung, 9.-10.11.2012, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University Frankfurt (Main).

Why Do College Students Study Abroad? A Theoretical Integration and Empirical Testing of The Signaling Theory and The Theory of Planned Behavior.
Presentation at the Conference New Developments in Signaling and Game Theory. Model Building, Applications, and Empirical Corroborations 14.-5.19.2012, ETH Zurich, 17.10.2012 (with Tamara Peter & Petra Moog).

Zur Dynamik transnationaler Felder in Bildungssystem und Arbeitsmarkt am Beispiel des Auslandsstudiums.
Presentation at the 36th Congress of the German Sociological Association "Vielfalt und Zusammenhalt", Ad-hoc-group: "Zur Konstruktion von Vielfalt und Zusammenhalt in transnationalen Feldern", 1.-5.10.2012, Ruhr-University of Bochum/Dortmund University of Technology, 3.10.2012 (with Tamara Peter & Petra Moog).

MOHSL - Mobilitätsentscheidungen von Studierenden.
Presentation at the workshop Auftaktveranstaltung Wissenschaftsökonomie, organized on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research amd the DLR, 31.5.-1.6.2012, Centre of European Economic Research, Mannheim, 31.5.2012 (with Petra Moog & Tamara Elke-Tyshkun).

Here and There - In the Past and Today. Multilocational Living in the Ancient World, in the Middle Ages, and in the Late Modernity.
Presentation at the workshop Ici et là: Ressources et vulnérabilités de la vie multilocale / Hier und dort: Ressourcen und Verwundbarkeiten in der multilokalen Lebenswelt, 18.-19.5.2012, Institute of Sociology/Institute of History, University of Basel, 19.5.2012 (with Matthias Rödel).

The Impact of Job-Related Multi-Locality to Local Sustainable Behavior.
Poster at the conference City2020+: Engineering Life Quality for the Future. International Conference on 'Demographic and Climate Challenges in the City', 18.-20.4.2012, Human Technology Centre, RTWH Aachen.

Das Experiment als Methode der Stadt- und Raumsoziologie.
Presentation at the workshop of the network 'Stadt - Raum - Architektur', Secion Urban Sociology Mythos Methodologie. Empirische Forschung zu Stadt, Raum, Architektur, 30.-31.3.2012, Bauhaus University of Weimar, 30.3.2012.

Die Multilokalisierungsentscheidung aus Sicht der Rational Choice Theorie.
Presentation at the Workshop "Special Issue on Multilocality Studies", 6.3.-10.3.2012, ETH Zurich, 7.3.2012.

Drei Wege zu (multi)lokaler Identifikation. Zur subjektiven Bedeutung konkreter Orte in einer mobilisierten Welt.
Presentation at the Dortmunder Konferenz 2012 Raum- und Planungsforschung Mobilitäten und Immobilitäten. Menschen - Ideen - Dinge - Kulturen - Kapital, Session: Multilokale Lebensweisen I, 9.2.-10.2.2012, Dortmund University of Technology, 9.2.2012.


Place- and Group-Related Attitudes under the Conditions of Multi-Locality. Methodological Approach and selected Results of an Online-Survey.
Presentation at the Workshop of the International Network of Multi-Locality, 2.-3.12.2011, German Youth Institute, 2.12.2011.

Multilokalität, raumbezogene Einstellungen und lokales Handeln. Zur Entstehung und Wirkung von lokaler Identifikation und Kosmopolitismus unter Mobilitätsbedingungen.
Presentation in defense of doctoral thesis, University of Leipzig, 15.11.2011.

Zum Verhältnis von Ort, Raum und Territorium am Beispiel des Umweltschutzes.
Presentation at the 3rd Congress of the German, Austrian and Swiss Sociological Associations: Neuer Strukturwandel der Öffentlichkeit, Panel 6/III: Postterritoriale Räume politischer Partizipation, 29.9.-1.10.2011, Leopold-Franzens-University of Innsbruck, 1.10.2011.

Politische Partizipation unter multilokalen Bedingungen. Wie sich Shuttles lokal engagieren.
Presentation at the 3rd Congress of the German, Austrian and Swiss Sociological Associations: Neuer Strukturwandel der Öffentlichkeit, Panel 13/III: Lokale Öffentlichkeiten und ihre Herausforderungen durch multilokale Teilnehmer_innen/ durch multilokale Wohnende, 29.9.-1.10.2011, Leopold-Franzens-University of Innsbruck, 1.10.2011.

Kann die Einbeziehung des Patienten in die medizinische Entscheidungsfindung gemessen werden?
Presentation in Appointment Procedure on a research fellow post at the Institute of General Medicine of the University of Rostock, Rostock, 29.6.2011.

Das Verhängnis der Multilokalität?
Presentation at the Final Symposium of the Graduate Program "Transnational Spaces", 15.06.2011, European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), 15.6.2011.

How Globally Localized People Act Locally: The Case of Sustainable Behavior.
Poster at the conference Making Sustainable Mobilities: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 08.-09.04.2011, Oscar von Miller Forum Munich.


The Influence of Place-Related Attitudes to Local Sustainable Behavior During Multi-Locality.
Poster at the Conference Cracks in the Concrete Jungle: New Perspectives on Urban Ecology., 22.-24.10.2010, Humboldt-University of Berlin.

Lokale Integration, Identifikation und Investition bei (transnational-)multilokalen Akteuren.
Presentation at the Anniversary Conference of the German Sociological Associatin Transnationale Vergesellschaftungen, Session: "Globale und lokale Netzwerke von Migranten- und Berufsgruppen. Ressourcen, kulturelle Identität und Lebensqualität." 11.-15.10.2010, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University Frankfurt (Main), 15.10.2010.

Begriffe der Mehrfachverortung.
Presentation at the workshop the the International Network of Multi-Locality, 22.-24.7.2010, Research Institute for Regional and Urban Development (ILS) Dortmund, 23.07.2010.

Effects of Environmental Preferences and Place Attachment to Local Sustainable Behavior among Multi-Locality.
Presentation at the "International Symposium on Environmental Sociology and Sustainable Development"; organized by the Research Committee on Environment and Society (RC24) of the International Sociological Association (ISA) in Connection of with the ISA World Congress 2010, 10.-11.7.2010, University of Gotenborg (Sweden), 10.07.2010.

before 2010

Processes of Place Attachment among Multi-Locality.
Poster at the congress The Transnationality of Cities. 1. International Conference at the graduate program "Transnational Spaces", 03.-05.12.2009, European-University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder).

Ortsbindung und lokaler Konsum bei beruflicher Multilokalität.
Presentation at the Coloquium of the Chair for Sociology and Empirical Social Research, esp. Labor Market Sociology, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, 28.10.2009.

Chair of the Session 'Verortungen' and of the final discussion
at the conference "Transkulturalität - Transnationalität - Transstaatlichkeit - Translokalität": Theoretische und empirische Begriffsbestimmungen, 1.-3.10.2009, European-Universty Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), 2.-3.10.2009.

Krisenbedingte Multilokation, Ortsbindung und lokal-nachhaltiges Handeln.
Presentation at the conference DOKONARA 2009. Drittes internationales DoktorandInnenkolleg Nachhaltige Raumentwicklung, 27.-30.9.2009, University of Kassel, 28.09.2009.

Nachhaltiges Handeln bei mehrfachen Ortsbindungen.
Presentation at the conference Die Zukunft der europäischen Stadt. Stadtgesellschaft - Stadtplaung - Stadtpolitik, Track 'Soziale und kulturelle Transformation und Stadtgesellschaft', 18.-19.9.2009, Vienna University of Technology, 19.9.2009.

Multilokale Identifikation: Empirische Befunde zur Entstehung und Wirkung mehrfacher Ortsbindung.
Presentation at the Congress of the Swiss Sociological Assocation "Identiy and Change of Life", Workshop Mobilität und Identität - Widerspruch in der modernen Gesellschaft?, 07.-09.09.2009, University of Genf, 9.9.2009.

Der Ort als Offerte.
Presentation at the Workshop of the Network 'Stadt - Raum - Architektur', Section of Urban Sociology Der Ort als sozialwissenschaftliche Kategorie, 15.-16.5.2009, Darmstadt University of Technology, 15.5.2009.

Neue multilokale Haushaltstypen.
Presentation at the 34th Congress of the German Sociological Association Unsichere Zeiten, Session: "Multilokales Leben - Multilokale Haushalte - Multilokale Arbeit: Erweiterte Optionen oder erhöhte Unsicherheit?" 6.-10.10.2008, Friedrich-Schiller-University of Jena, 10.10.2008 (with Christine Weiske & Diana Zierold).

Multilokale Identifikation. Ein theoretisches Erklärungsmodell zur Entstehung kognitiv-emotionaler Bindungen an mehrere Orte.
Presentation at the DOKONARA 2008. Zweites internationales DoktorandInnenkolleg Nachhaltige Raumentwicklung, 21.-24.09.2008, University of Innsbruck, 22.9.2008.

Multilokalität - Wohnen zwischen Mobilität und Sesshaftigkeit.
Presentation at the 5. Leipziger WohnprojekteTagen, 4.-5.04.2008, Leipzig, 4.4.2008.

Der multilokale Haushalt als Forschungsgegenstand.
Presentation at the Workshop Planschmiede Multilokalität, 1.-2.2.2008, University of Basel, 2.2.2008.

Meine Welt - Deine Welt - Unsere Welt. Muster multilokaler Arrangements.
Presentation at the conference Multilokales Wohnen - Multilokale Haushalte, 3.-5.10.2007, Chemnitz University of Technology, 4.10.2007 (with Christine Weiske & Diana Zierold.

Multi-Locality and Identity.
Presentation at the 4th European Graduate School of Social Sciences (EUSOC), 17.-20.5.2007, Masaryk-Universiy of Brno, 18.5.2007.

Die sozio-strukturelle Zusammensetzung des Samples im DFG-Projekt 'Neue multilokale Haushaltstypen'.
Presentation at the workshop Planschmiede Multilokalität, 15.1.2007, University of Vienna, 15.1.2007.