Prof. Dr. Knut Petzold

Methods of Empirical Social Research
Zittau/Goerlitz University of Applied Sciences

knut.petzold (at)

Knut Petzold is a sociologist with expertise in social stratification, sociological action theory, and sociological research methods with a specific focus on research designs and causal inference. His current research interest covers topics including higher education and work, mobility and migration, ethnic discrimination, social norms, and the validation of survey experiments.

He holds a doctoral degree in sociology (summa cum laude) from the University of Leipzig and received a postdoctoral graduation (habilitation) from the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt. At present, he is affiliated as a Professor of Methods of Empirical Social Research at the Zittau/Goerlitz University of Applied Sciences.

In 2023/24 Knut Petzold is a Visiting Professor at the Department of Sociology and Human Geography of the Paris Lodron University Salzburg PLUS.


New article: Migration, daily commuting, or second residence? The role of location-specific capital and distance to workplace in regional mobility decisions. Demographic Research (together with Thomas Skora & Heiko Rüger)

New article: How do signals of academic performance vary across disciplines? Evidence from a survey experiment with university professors in Germany. Soziale Welt, Sonderband 26, 490-523. (together with Nicolai Netz)

New project: DetektiV – Detektion von Diskriminierung im Vignettenexperiment. Eine Validierungsstudie am Beispiel internationaler Hochschulabsolvent*innen im deutschen Arbeitsmarkt

Last update: May 2024